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23RD OCT'23 - 24TH NOV'23

WEEK 5: 23rd Oct’23

23rd October’23 - Intersection Brief 

Today marks the launch of our new module, Intersection. The primary focus of this module is to explore the narratives and psychology behind human thought processes. We will achieve this by conducting a series of workshops and lectures. To initiate the project, we will directly engage the audience to lay the foundation for the design initiative. Using user-centred design research, participants will identify a crucial issue within their community. The ultimate goal is to improve the intelligence, safety, health, and sustainability of the community for all residents.

The first step of the research involves formulating a 'How might I...' question that addresses a specific challenge or issue within the community. Participants can choose to address day-to-day challenges or broader social issues. After formulating the question, participants must provide a comprehensive brief that includes background information, well-defined aims and objectives, the target market, and a timeline.

The second step involves exploring solutions for the design brief and developing a design interface. The term "interface" refers to the design of a user-centered solution as identified in the first phase. Participants can choose between analogue or digital mediums to convey a message or service tailored to the intended audience. The interface can support a specific need or service, or it could shed light on an issue in an informative or potentially provocative manner. Collaboration with the community for research and prototyping, as well as engagement with peers and professionals from diverse fields, is encouraged throughout the project to refine and articulate the chosen interface.

23rd and 24th Oct’23 - Workshop with Jazzy Olive

Jazzy Olive, a designer, researcher and educator, attended a two-day workshop titled ‘Invisible Disabilities’. The main focus of the workshop was human-centred design, which involves designing technology that caters to the needs of people with mental and physical disabilities. This workshop provided us with an initial understanding of what we wanted to create in this module.


To start with, the Brief was to design a product, service or brand to improve the workspace/working experience for invisible disability experts. We were divided into groups, and each group will be assigned someone with invisible disability to interview to identify areas for intervention, invention or innovation. After the interview, each group would brainstorm potential solutions and use human-centred thinking and rapid prototyping processes to design, test and iterate your concepts ready to present the final solutions to the cohort and experts for the review.


We as a group got the Case Study 03 which was the lived experience of Designer, Animator and Workshop Host, Rue Irvine. She lives with Type 1 Diabetes and mostly works remotely (from her home studio). Before starting the interview, we thought of doing research on Type 1 diabetes such as What is type 1 diabetes? How it is different from others? etc. After having an understanding of it, we prepared some questions which we would like to ask from her. 


After the interview was over, we began talking about her and got a lot of insights like How she got this. How does she check her insulin level? Talking about this could affect her client’s work. etc. We were quite scared earlier about what to ask her as she is a designer and it should be meaningful to her. But after talking to her, she is an organised and genuine person who can hold both jobs (designer as well as taking care of her Diabetes) nicely.


Jazzy gave us a sheet for each group where it was written ‘framing the challenges’, which required the key insights, Known unknowns and Micro challenges. We have to pick up the key insights that we feel are more related to the daily challenge she faces. Each group had to stick this on the wall and get feedback by just crossing them which works best.


After the feedback session, now was the time to select which one to choose. We have three insight statements, that is, the first is to struggle with stacked-up pressure from different situations, the second is to get back into range when she is not in good condition, it feels like it is another full-time job, and the last one is the design on the pump is glamorised.

We had constructed the question  ‘How might We....’ which Jazzy showed us a technique to ask 

the question though Reframe, Broaden and Refine. 


Doing this process will make us think about which insight statement would be more related and it will help us to find the outcome of it. 

Interesection Documentation.jpg

To make that easy, the next was brainstorming this three-insight statement. We got the chart paper and stick notes and started brainstorming ideas for two insight statements, that is,

How might we improve the design of treatment equipment to prioritise its functionality in different daily situations?

Ideas Generation

  • Slogan - Explaining the society we know when someone who has a disability needs time.

  • Business Card - The card speaks for itself so the disabled person doesn’t have to.

  • Skin toned patches

  • Waterproof patch

  • Little Umbrella

  • Inventing a game for clients to play utilise waiting for you to have 10 mins due to emergency. 

How might we balance the pressure from the condition and from work?

Ideas Generation

  • App with the calming aim

  • Timetable app to help organise workflow

  • Lavender scent pillow

The new concept is a business card that opens up conversation so you don’t have to. It focuses on the client’s profession vs personal life, providing people with knowledge and education about an invisible disability. The card gives context to what they can do and supports you without having to explain.

Why a business card? The familiarty of a business card and the purpose of one.

During the business card development process, we transitioned from the ideation phase to the creation stage. Our primary research focus was on devising a suitable method for presenting ID cards to individuals with disabilities. Through our exploration, we identified two approaches – a formal one and an informal one tailored for children with disabilities. Considerations such as colour and style led us to seek guidance from a website designer. The puns she incorporated inspired our final design significantly.


Our conversation with her sparked the idea that invisible disabilities are akin to a full-time job, with graphic design serving as an additional role. The card would have two sides, mirroring the dual aspects of a shop sign displaying “open” and “close.” The top part would feature a design style reminiscent of her website, while the left side would convey a 10-minute break, allowing the individual to engage in personal activities.


On the reverse side, the break theme would persist, accompanied by a QR code. Scanning the code would reveal information about Type 1 Diabetes, detailing associated conditions and providing emergency contact details. This feature was implemented to empower the cardholder with control over the displayed information, allowing customisation based on personal preferences.

Feedback - She expressed admiration for the business card’s concept and design, especially highlighting the QR code’s link to the educational aspect. The inclusion of emergency contact details proved invaluable during moments when communication was hindered by illness. The QR code efficiently conveyed a sign without the need for repetitive explanations. The personalised touch, achieved through vibrant colours and clever puns, resonated strongly with her. She anticipates using the card at networking events, allowing her to effortlessly share information without divulging her disability.


Through this workshop, I gained insights into the workings of human-centred design. Engaging in conversations about her daily challenges provided a profound understanding of the issues associated with her disability, surpassing the information provided by a mere user persona. The application of the ‘How might we...’ technique enabled me to reframe broader questions, refining the focus on problem-solving. The workshop’s well-structured approach, coupled with Rue’s feedback on our creation, filled me with joy and a deep appreciation for our idea.

WEEK 7 – 6TH – 10th Nov’23

6th Nov’23 – Mindmap

Following the workshop, I initiated research into the subject matter I wished to delve into within this module. I commenced investigating a topic that I found intriguing and personally relevant—Postpartum

Why did I choose this topic?

The initial motivation for choosing this topic stemmed from personal experiences within my family, particularly involving my mother and aunt. My mother’s first pregnancy went smoothly, but post-delivery, she encountered unexpected symptoms that she had not anticipated during pregnancy. On the other hand, my aunt experienced postpartum depression, which began in the middle of her pregnancy, yet went unnoticed at the time, resulting in complications during the postpartum period.


These firsthand accounts within my family prompted me to recognise that many mothers might be facing various symptoms after giving birth. While individuals typically focus on self-care during pregnancy, the attention often diminishes when it comes to the postpartum period.

According to Standeven, postpartum depression contributes to 20% of all maternal deaths, as indicated by data from countries that monitor the prevalence of this issue. Those with bipolar disorders, depression, or anxiety have a 30% to 35% higher likelihood of experiencing postpartum depression. Similarly, mothers who have previously exhibited depressive symptoms after pregnancies are prone to a recurrence of such issues.

WEEK 8 – 13TH – 17TH Nov’23

13th Nov’23 – Why Postpartum Period is important?

When discussing a woman’s pregnancy journey, she undergoes significant pain during childbirth. However, after delivery, many women face various challenges, some of which they may openly discuss, while others may keep silent about their experiences. 


As I delve into the reasons behind the importance of this phenomenon,


We emphasize the importance of the initial 12 weeks, yet the entire year can pose heightened risks for new mothers, particularly those who experienced complications during pregnancy or childbirth.

New motherhood is a taxing time


Having a postpartum support network is crucial when working with any obstetrical care team, whether it be midwives or nurses. Depending on your medical requirements, consulting a specialist may be necessary. The support system can include friends or family, depending on what makes you feel most at ease.

Postpartum support can take many forms


Numerous healthcare professionals are available online, ready to provide their services when needed. Several websites, such as Postpartum Support International, offer valuable assistance for mental health support.

You can look for in-person or online support


Family and friends are the initial observers of any potential issues one might be facing. Even if a new mother asserts that she is fine, those closest to her would likely discern otherwise.

Your network can be an extra set of eyes and ears.


The key reminder for all parents is to prioritise adequate sleep, nutritious meals, personal time, and self-care. Factors such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, excessive bleeding, and cesarean birth can elevate the risk of postpartum complications.

It’s doubly important for high-risk moms and babies

14th Nov’23 – Feedback

After what topic I wanted to choose for this module, I did some research and presented it. I received feedback to research more about it and state the facts about this problem such as how many woman has suffered?

15th Nov’23 – Postpartum Problems

Having gained insight into the significance of the postpartum period for women, it becomes evident that there are numerous challenges that women may encounter after childbirth, often unknown beforehand.

Isa Herrera, a New York City physical therapist specializing in pelvic pain, says new moms are often unprepared for the aftermath of childbirth. “There’s this fantasy. Your body is going to come back together. Your organs are going to be in place. It’s an illusion,” she told me.

The typical symptoms the woman might suffer after the first week after childbirth: 

Heavy bleeding, abdominal cramping, constipation, hemorrhoids, chills, night sweats, difficulty going to the bathroom, engorged breasts, back pain, headaches, pain in the perineum (the diamond-shaped sling of muscles in the pelvis), incision pain (if the woman has had a C-section), pain and difficulty walking (after an episiotomy or tear), depression, anxiety, and exhaustion.

More than 40 percent of women who delivered vaginally reported perineal pain, and nearly 60 percent who had C-sections experienced incision pain within two months of childbirth, according to a 2013 survey of 2,400 women called Listening to Mothers, by the group Childbirth Connection. 

Nearly 80 percent of mothers surveyed said pain interfered with their daily activities.

One in three reported urinary or bowel problems.

OB-GYNs and midwives who deliver babies don’t often find postpartum problems like nerve damage and incontinence because they aren’t looking for them.

As Kari Bø, a pelvic floor expert at the Norwegian School of Sports Science, explains, “Gynecologists, urologists and colorectal surgeons concentrate on their areas of interest and tend to ignore the pelvic floor common to them all.”

Why women are not told of more serious postpartum complications?

There would be some serious complications in childbirth which include symphysis pubis dysfunction (pelvic girdle pain, which can be debilitating), and pelvic organ prolapse (when weak

muscles allow organs to fall into the vagina).

In the case of pelvic girdle pain, women think what they are experiencing is normal and do not take any help which has led them to worsen scenarios.


Some 60 per cent of postpartum women have a separation in their abdominal wall called diastasis recti, and plenty have weak or injured pelvic floor muscles but haven’t heard of these things until related problems like pain or incontinence crop up.

According to Kristin Tully, a researcher with the 4th Trimester Project, women in the cohort weren’t aware of treatments that could help them and were too embarrassed to discuss symptoms that medical professionals hadn’t brought up with them first.

“Women didn’t know the range of what’s normal when to seek guidance, and whom to ask,” she said.

Women don’t know about serious complications because their providers don’t always tell them. Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders like postpartum depression, anxiety, and psychosis have received more attention in recent years but are still not always caught by doctors and nurses.

Some 80 per cent of postpartum women feel “baby blues,” according to one report. Postpartum depression affects one in seven women.

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